Pawlak, Roman (aut); Bell, Kami (aut). Basel; KARGER; 1 ed; 2017. 88-99 p. ilus, . (Annals of Nutrition & Metabolism, 70, 2).
Thirteen original manuscripts met the inclusion criteria. Various biochemical markers of iron status, such as hemoglobin (Hb) and serum ferritin,were used. Seven of the 13 studies reported the prevalence of iron deficiency separately for vegetarians and non-vegetarians. Five out of 7 showed a higher prevalence of iron deficiency among the vegetarian participants, while the other 2 showed a higher prevalence of iron deficiencyamong non-vegetarians. A wide range of iron deficiency prevalence, from 4.3% of vegetarian participants in one study to 73% having ferritin <10 ìg/L in another study, was found. Hb data showed almost as wide variations from 0% of children having Hb values lower than 11 g/dL to 47.5% having Hb values below 3rd percentile(AU) – en
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